HF-hub - Share and discover more about AI with social posts from the community.huggingface/OpenAi
Share and discover more about AI with social posts from the community.huggingface/OpenAi
A Dive into Vision-Language Models
Human learning is inherently multi-modal as jointly leveraging multiple senses helps us understand and analyze new information better. Unsurprisingly, recent advances in multi-modal learning take inspiration from the effectiveness of this process to create models that can process and link information using various modalities such as image, video, text, audio, body gestures, facial expressions, and physiological signals.

Since 2021, we’ve seen an increased interest in models that combine vision and language modalities (also called joint vision-language models), such as OpenAI’s CLIP. Joint vision-language models have shown particularly impressive capabilities in very challenging tasks such as image captioning, text-guided image generation and manipulation, and visual question-answering. This field continues to evolve, and so does its effectiveness in improving zero-shot generalization leading to various practical use cases.
Kakao Brain’s Open Source ViT, ALIGN, and the New COYO Text-Image Dataset
Kakao Brain and Hugging Face are excited to release a new open-source image-text dataset COYO of 700 million pairs and two new visual language models trained on it, ViT and ALIGN. This is the first time ever the ALIGN model is made public for free and open-source use and the first release of ViT and ALIGN models that come with the train dataset.

Kakao Brain’s ViT and ALIGN models follow the same architecture and hyperparameters as provided in the original respective Google models but are trained on the open source COYO dataset. Google’s ViT and ALIGN models, while trained on huge datasets (ViT trained on 300 million images and ALIGN trained on 1.8 billion image-text pairs respectively), cannot be replicated because the datasets are not public. This contribution is particularly valuable to researchers who want to reproduce visual language modeling with access to the data as well.
What is a Vision Language Model?
Vision language models are broadly defined as multimodal models that can learn from images and text. They are a type of generative models that take image and text inputs, and generate text outputs. Large vision language models have good zero-shot capabilities, generalize well, and can work with many types of images, including documents, web pages, and more. The use cases include chatting about images, image recognition via instructions, visual question answering, document understanding, image captioning, and others. Some vision language models can also capture spatial properties in an image. These models can output bounding boxes or segmentation masks when prompted to detect or segment a particular subject, or they can localize different entities or answer questions about their relative or absolute positions. There’s a lot of diversity within the existing set of large vision language models, the data they were trained on, how they encode images, and, thus, their capabilities.
Vector Quantized Diffusion (VQ-Diffusion) is a conditional latent diffusion model developed by the University of Science and Technology of China and Microsoft. Unlike most commonly studied diffusion models, VQ-Diffusion's noising and denoising processes operate on a quantized latent space, i.e., the latent space is composed of a discrete set of vectors. Discrete diffusion models are less explored than their continuous counterparts and offer an interesting point of comparison with autoregressive (AR) models.

Hugging Face model card
Hugging Face Spaces
Original Implementation
🧨 Diffusers lets you run VQ-Diffusion with just a few lines of code.
Leveraging Pre-trained Language Model Checkpoints for Encoder-Decoder Models
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Transformer-based encoder-decoder models were proposed in Vaswani et al. (2017) and have recently experienced a surge of interest, e.g. Lewis et al. (2019), Raffel et al. (2019), Zhang et al. (2020), Zaheer et al. (2020), Yan et al. (2020).

Similar to BERT and GPT2, massive pre-trained encoder-decoder models have shown to significantly boost performance on a variety of sequence-to-sequence tasks Lewis et al. (2019), Raffel et al. (2019). However, due to the enormous computational cost attached to pre-training encoder-decoder models, the development of such models is mainly limited to large companies and institutes.

In Leveraging Pre-trained Checkpoints for Sequence Generation Tasks (2020), Sascha Rothe, Shashi Narayan and Aliaksei Severyn initialize encoder-decoder model with pre-trained encoder and/or decoder-only checkpoints (e.g. BERT, GPT2) to skip the costly pre-training. The authors show that such warm-started encoder-decoder models yield competitive results to large pre-trained encoder-decoder models, such as T5, and Pegasus on multiple sequence-to-sequence tasks at a fraction of the training cost.

In this notebook, we will explain in detail how encoder-decoder models can be warm-started, give practical tips based on Rothe et al. (2020), and finally go over a complete code example showing how to warm-start encoder-decoder models with 🤗Transformers.

This notebook is divided into 4 parts:

Introduction - Short summary of pre-trained language models in NLP and the need for warm-starting encoder-decoder models.
Warm-starting encoder-decoder models (Theory) - Illustrative explanation on how encoder-decoder models are warm-started?
Warm-starting encoder-decoder models (Analysis) - Summary of Leveraging Pre-trained Checkpoints for Sequence Generation Tasks (2020) - What model combinations are effective to warm-start encoder-decoder models; How does it differ from task to task?
Warm-starting encoder-decoder models with 🤗Transformers (Practice) - Complete code example showcasing in-detail how to use the EncoderDecoderModel framework to warm-start transformer-based encoder-decoder models.
It is highly recommended (probably even necessary) to have read this blog post about transformer-based encoder-decoder models.

Let's start by giving some back-ground on warm-starting encoder-decoder models.
AI Watermarking 101: Tools and Techniques
In recent months, we've seen multiple news stories involving ‘deepfakes’, or AI-generated content: from images of Taylor Swift to videos of Tom Hanks and recordings of US President Joe Biden. Whether they are selling products, manipulating images of people without their consent, supporting phishing for private information, or creating misinformation materials intended to mislead voters, deepfakes are increasingly being shared on social media platforms. This enables them to be quickly propagated and have a wider reach and therefore, the potential to cause long-lasting damage.

In this blog post, we will describe approaches to carry out watermarking of AI-generated content, discuss their pros and cons, and present some of the tools available on the Hugging Face Hub for adding/detecting watermarks.
Boosting Wav2Vec2 with n-grams in 🤗 Transformers
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Wav2Vec2 is a popular pre-trained model for speech recognition. Released in September 2020 by Meta AI Research, the novel architecture catalyzed progress in self-supervised pretraining for speech recognition, e.g. G. Ng et al., 2021, Chen et al, 2021, Hsu et al., 2021 and Babu et al., 2021. On the Hugging Face Hub, Wav2Vec2's most popular pre-trained checkpoint currently amounts to over 250,000 monthly downloads.

Using Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC), pre-trained Wav2Vec2-like checkpoints are extremely easy to fine-tune on downstream speech recognition tasks. In a nutshell, fine-tuning pre-trained Wav2Vec2 checkpoints works as follows:

A single randomly initialized linear layer is stacked on top of the pre-trained checkpoint and trained to classify raw audio input to a sequence of letters. It does so by:

extracting audio representations from the raw audio (using CNN layers),
processing the sequence of audio representations with a stack of transformer layers, and,
classifying the processed audio representations into a sequence of output letters.
Previously audio classification models required an additional language model (LM) and a dictionary to transform the sequence of classified audio frames to a coherent transcription. Wav2Vec2's architecture is based on transformer layers, thus giving each processed audio representation context from all other audio representations. In addition, Wav2Vec2 leverages the CTC algorithm for fine-tuning, which solves the problem of alignment between a varying "input audio length"-to-"output text length" ratio.
From screenshots to HTML code: Introducing the WebSight dataset
In the world of web development, turning designs into functional websites usually involves a lot of coding and careful testing. What if we could simplify this process, making it possible to convert web designs into working websites more easily and quickly? WebSight is a new dataset that aims at building AI systems capable of transforming screenshots to HTML code.

The challenge
Turning a website design or screenshot into HTML code usually needs an experienced developer. But what if this could be more efficient? Motivated by this question, we investigated how vision-language models (VLMs) could be used in web development to create low-code solutions that improve efficiency.

Today, the main challenge towards that goal is the lack of high-quality datasets tailored for this task. WebSight aims to fill that gap.
Speculative Decoding for 2x Faster Whisper Inference
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Open AI's Whisper is a general purpose speech transcription model that achieves state-of-the-art results across a range of different benchmarks and audio conditions. The latest large-v3 model tops the OpenASR Leaderboard, ranking as the best open-source speech transcription model for English. The model also demonstrates strong multilingual performance, achieving less than 30% word error rate (WER) on 42 of the 58 languages tested in the Common Voice 15 dataset.

While the transcription accuracy is exceptional, the inference time is very slow. A 1 hour audio clip takes upwards of 6 minutes to transcribe on a 16GB T4 GPU, even after leveraging inference optimisations like flash attention, half-precision, and chunking.

In this blog post, we demonstrate how Speculative Decoding can be employed to reduce the inference time of Whisper by a factor of 2, while mathematically ensuring exactly the same outputs are achieved from the model. As a result, this method provides a perfect drop-in replacement for existing Whisper pipelines, since it provides free 2x speed-up while maintaining the same accuracy. For a more streamlined version of the blog post with fewer explanations but all the code, see the accompanying Google Colab.
How NuminaMath Won the 1st AIMO Progress Prize
This year, Numina and Hugging Face collaborated to compete in the 1st Progress Prize of the AI Math Olympiad (AIMO). This competition involved fine-tuning open LLMs to solve difficult math problems that high school students use to train for the International Math Olympiad. We’re excited to share that our model — NuminaMath 7B TIR — was the winner and managed to solve 29 out of 50 problems on the private test set 🥳!
Leveraging Hugging Face for complex generative AI use casess
In this conversation, Jeff Boudier asks Waseem Alshikh, Co-founder and CTO of Writer, about their journey from a Hugging Face user, to a customer and now an open source model contributor.

why was Writer started?
what are the biggest misconceptions in Generative AI today?
why is Writer now contributing open source models?
what has been the value of the Hugging Face Expert Acceleration Program service for Writer?
how it Writer approaching production on CPU and GPU to serve LLMs at scale?
how important is efficiency and using CPUs for production?
<iframe width="100%" style="aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/t8Ek1aOtaQw" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you’re interested in Hugging Face Expert Acceleration Program for your company, please contact us here - our team will contact you to discuss your requirements!
How to use Würstchen?
You can either try it using the Demo here:

<script type="module" src="https://gradio.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/3.44.2/gradio.js"> </script>
Otherwise, the model is available through the Diffusers Library, so you can use the interface you are already familiar with. For example, this is how to run inference using the AutoPipeline:
Why another text-to-image model?
Well, this one is pretty fast and efficient. Würstchen’s biggest benefits come from the fact that it can generate images much faster than models like Stable Diffusion XL, while using a lot less memory! So for all of us who don’t have A100s lying around, this will come in handy. Here is a comparison with SDXL over different batch sizes: #text-to-image
Introducing Würstchen: Fast Diffusion for Image Generation
What is Würstchen?
Würstchen is a diffusion model, whose text-conditional component works in a highly compressed latent space of images. Why is this important? Compressing data can reduce computational costs for both training and inference by orders of magnitude. Training on 1024×1024 images is way more expensive than training on 32×32. Usually, other works make use of a relatively small compression, in the range of 4x - 8x spatial compression. Würstchen takes this to an extreme. Through its novel design, it achieves a 42x spatial compression! This had never been seen before, because common methods fail to faithfully reconstruct detailed images after 16x spatial compression. Würstchen employs a two-stage compression, what we call Stage A and Stage B. Stage A is a VQGAN, and Stage B is a Diffusion Autoencoder (more details can be found in the paper).
XetHub is joining Hugging Face!
We are super excited to officially announce that Hugging Face acquired XetHub 🔥

XetHub is a Seattle-based company founded by Yucheng Low, Ajit Banerjee, Rajat Arya who previously worked at Apple where they built and scaled Apple’s internal ML infrastructure. XetHub’s mission is to enable software engineering best practices for AI development. XetHub has developed technologies to enable Git to scale to TB repositories and enable teams to explore, understand and work together on large evolving datasets and models. They were soon joined by a talented team of 12 team members. You should give them a follow at their new org page: hf.co/xet-team

Our common goal at HF
The XetHub team will help us unlock the next 5 years of growth of HF datasets and models by switching to our own, better version of LFS as storage backend for the Hub's repos.

– Julien Chaumond, HF CTO

Back in 2020 when we built the first version of the HF Hub, we decided to build it on top of Git LFS because it was decently well-known and it was a reasonable choice to bootstrap the Hub’s usage.

We knew back then, however, that we would want to switch to our own, more optimized storage and versioning backend at some point. Git LFS – even though it stands for Large File storage – was just never meant for the type of large files we handle in AI, which are not just large, but very very large 😃#XetHub xet-team (Xet Team)
XLSCOUT Unveils ParaEmbed 2.0: a Powerful Embedding Model Tailored for Patents and IP with Expert Support from Hugging Face
[!NOTE] This is a guest blog post by the XLSCOUT team.

XLSCOUT, a Toronto-based leader in the use of AI in intellectual property (IP), has developed a powerful proprietary embedding model called ParaEmbed 2.0 stemming from an ambitious collaboration with Hugging Face’s Expert Support Program. The collaboration focuses on applying state-of-the-art AI technologies and open-source models to enhance the understanding and analysis of complex patent documents including patent-specific terminology, context, and relationships. This allows XLSCOUT’s products to offer the best performance for drafting patent applications, patent invalidation searches, and ensuring ideas are novel compared to previously available patents and literature.

By fine-tuning on high-quality, multi-domain patent data curated by human experts, ParaEmbed 2.0 boasts a remarkable 23% increase in accuracy compared to its predecessor, ParaEmbed 1.0, which was released in October 2023. With this advancement, ParaEmbed 2.0 is now able to accurately capture context and map patents against prior art, ideas, products, or standards with even greater precision.
What is Sentence Transformers?
Sentence embeddings? Semantic search? Cosine similarity?!?! 😱 Just a few short weeks ago, these terms were so confusing to me that they made my head spin. I’d heard that Sentence Transformers was a powerful and versatile library for working with language and image data and I was eager to play around with it, but I was worried that I would be out of my depth. As it turns out, I couldn’t have been more wrong!

Sentence Transformers is among the libraries that Hugging Face integrates with, where it’s described with the following:

Compute dense vector representations for sentences, paragraphs, and images

In a nutshell, Sentence Transformers answers one question: What if we could treat sentences as points in a multi-dimensional vector space? This means that ST lets you give it an arbitrary string of text (e.g., “I’m so glad I learned to code with Python!”), and it’ll transform it into a vector, such as [0.2, 0.5, 1.3, 0.9]. Another sentence, such as “Python is a great programming language.”, would be transformed into a different vector. These vectors are called “embeddings,” and they play an essential role in Machine Learning. If these two sentences were embedded with the same model, then both would coexist in the same vector space, allowing for many interesting possibilities.

What makes ST particularly useful is that, once you’ve generated some embeddings, you can use the built-in utility functions to compare how similar one sentence is to another, including synonyms! 🤯 One way to do this is with the “Cosine Similarity” function. With ST, you can skip all the pesky math and call the very handy util.cos_sim function to get a score from -1 to 1 that signifies how “similar” the embedded sentences are in the vector space they share – the bigger the score is, the more similar the sentences are!
Liftoff! How to get started with your first ML project 🚀
People who are new to the Machine Learning world often run into two recurring stumbling blocks. The first is choosing the right library to learn, which can be daunting when there are so many to pick from. Even once you’ve settled on a library and gone through some tutorials, the next issue is coming up with your first big project and scoping it properly to maximize your learning. If you’ve run into those problems, and if you're looking for a new ML library to add to your toolkit, you're in the right place!

In this post I’ll take you through some tips for going from 0 to 100 with a new library by using Sentence Transformers (ST) as an example. We'll start by understanding the basics of what ST can do, and highlight some things that make it a great library to learn. Then, I'll share my battle-tested strategy for tackling your first self-driven project. We’ll also talk about how I built my first ST-powered project, and what I learned along the way 🥳
Fit More and Train Faster With ZeRO via DeepSpeed and FairScale
A guest blog post by Hugging Face fellow Stas Bekman

As recent Machine Learning models have been growing much faster than the amount of GPU memory added to newly released cards, many users are unable to train or even just load some of those huge models onto their hardware. While there is an ongoing effort to distill some of those huge models to be of a more manageable size -- that effort isn't producing models small enough soon enough.

In the fall of 2019 Samyam Rajbhandari, Jeff Rasley, Olatunji Ruwase and Yuxiong He published a paper: ZeRO: Memory Optimizations Toward Training Trillion Parameter Models, which contains a plethora of ingenious new ideas on how one could make their hardware do much more than what it was thought possible before. A short time later DeepSpeed has been released and it gave to the world the open source implementation of most of the ideas in that paper (a few ideas are still in works) and in parallel a team from Facebook released FairScale which also implemented some of the core ideas from the ZeRO paper.

If you use the Hugging Face Trainer, as of transformers v4.2.0 you have the experimental support for DeepSpeed's and FairScale's ZeRO features. The new --sharded_ddp and --deepspeed command line Trainer arguments provide FairScale and DeepSpeed integration respectively. Here is the full documentation.

This blog post will describe how you can benefit from ZeRO regardless of whether you own just a single GPU or a whole stack of them.
Very Large Language Models and How to Evaluate Them
Large language models can now be evaluated on zero-shot classification tasks with Evaluation on the Hub!

Zero-shot evaluation is a popular way for researchers to measure the performance of large language models, as they have been shown to learn capabilities during training without explicitly being shown labeled examples. The Inverse Scaling Prize is an example of a recent community effort to conduct large-scale zero-shot evaluation across model sizes and families to discover tasks on which larger models may perform worse than their smaller counterparts.
