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Hugging Face Diffusion Models Course
In this free course, you will:

👩‍🎓 Study the theory behind diffusion models
🧨 Learn how to generate images and audio with the popular 🤗 Diffusers library
🏋️‍♂️ Train your own diffusion models from scratch
📻 Fine-tune existing diffusion models on new datasets
🗺 Explore conditional generation and guidance
🧑‍🔬 Create your own custom diffusion model pipelines
This course requires a good level in Python and a grounding in deep learning and Pytorch. If it’s not the case yet, you can check these free resources:

Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch:—ud188
PyTorch in 60min:
To upload your models to the Hugging Face Hub, you’ll need an account. You can create one for free at the following address:
the 🤗 Machine Learning for Games Course
Welcome to the course that will teach you the most fascinating topic in game development: how to use powerful AI tools and models to create unique game experiences.

New AI models are revolutionizing the Game Industry in two impactful ways:

On how we make games:

Generate textures using AI
Using AI voice actors for the voices.
How we create gameplay:

Crafting smart Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) using large language models.
This course will teach you:

How to integrate AI models for innovative gameplay, featuring intelligent NPCs.
How to use AI tools to help your game development pipeline. Welcome to the 🤗 Machine Learning for Games Course - Hugging Face ML for Games Course
Open-Source AI Cookbook
The Open-Source AI Cookbook is a collection of notebooks illustrating practical aspects of building AI applications and solving various machine learning tasks using open-source tools and models.

Latest notebooks
Check out the recently added notebooks:

Building RAG with Custom Unstructured Data
Agentic RAG: turbocharge your RAG with query reformulation and self-query! 🚀
Create a Transformers Agent from any LLM inference provider
Fine-tuning LLM to Generate Persian Product Catalogs in JSON Format
Agent for text-to-SQL with automatic error correction
Information Extraction with Haystack and NuExtract
RAG with Hugging Face and Milvus
Data analyst agent: get your data’s insights in the blink of an eye
Code Search with Vector Embeddings and Qdrant
RAG backed by SQL and Jina Reranker
You can also check out the notebooks in the cookbook’s GitHub repo. Open-Source AI Cookbook - Hugging Face Open-Source AI Cookbook
the Hugging Face Audio course!
Dear learner,

Welcome to this course on using transformers for audio. Time and again transformers have proven themselves as one of the most powerful and versatile deep learning architectures, capable of achieving state-of-the-art results in a wide range of tasks, including natural language processing, computer vision, and more recently, audio processing.

In this course, we will explore how transformers can be applied to audio data. You’ll learn how to use them to tackle a range of audio-related tasks. Whether you are interested in speech recognition, audio classification, or generating speech from text, transformers and this course have got you covered.

To give you a taste of what these models can do, say a few words in the demo below and watch the model transcribe it in real-time! Welcome to the Hugging Face Audio course! - Hugging Face Audio Course
the Community Computer Vision Course
Dear learner,

Welcome to the community-driven course on computer vision. Computer vision is revolutionizing our world in many ways, from unlocking phones with facial recognition to analyzing medical images for disease detection, monitoring wildlife, and creating new images. Together, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of computer vision!

Throughout this course, we’ll cover everything from the basics to the latest advancements in computer vision. It’s structured to include various foundational topics, making it friendly and accessible for everyone. We’re delighted to have you join us for this exciting journey!

On this page, you can find how to join the learners community, make a submission and get a certificate, and more details about the course!
the 🤗 Deep Reinforcement Learning Course

Welcome to the most fascinating topic in Artificial Intelligence: Deep Reinforcement Learning.

This course will teach you about Deep Reinforcement Learning from beginner to expert. It’s completely free and open-source!

In this introduction unit you’ll:

Learn more about the course content.
Define the path you’re going to take (either self-audit or certification process).
Learn more about the AI vs. AI challenges you’re going to participate in.
Learn more about us.
Create your Hugging Face account (it’s free).
Sign-up to our Discord server, the place where you can chat with your classmates and us (the Hugging Face team).
Let’s get started! Welcome to the 🤗 Deep Reinforcement Learning Course - Hugging Face Deep RL Course
NLP Course
This course will teach you about natural language processing using libraries from the HF ecosystem.

This course will teach you about natural language processing (NLP) using libraries from the Hugging Face ecosystem — 🤗 Transformers, 🤗 Datasets, 🤗 Tokenizers, and 🤗 Accelerate — as well as the Hugging Face Hub. It’s completely free and without ads.

Natural Language Processing
Ask a Question
Before jumping into Transformer models, let’s do a quick overview of what natural language processing is and why we care about it.

Transformers, what can they do?
In this section, we will look at what Transformer models can do and use our first tool from the 🤗 Transformers library: the pipeline() function. Introduction - Hugging Face NLP Course
Image-to-3D models take in image input and produce 3D output.

About Image-to-3D
Use Cases
Image-to-3D models can be used in a wide variety of applications that require 3D, such as games, animation, design, architecture, engineering, marketing, and more.
Text-to-3D models take in text input and produce 3D output.
This task is similar to the image-to-3d task, but takes text input instead of image input. In practice, this is often equivalent to a combination of text-to-image and image-to-3d. That is, the text is first converted to an image, then the image is converted to 3D.

Generating Meshes
Meshes are the standard representation of 3D in industry.

Generating Gaussian Splats
Gaussian Splatting is a rendering technique that represents scenes as fuzzy points.
Zero-shot image classification is the task of classifying previously unseen classes during training of a model.
About the Task
Zero-shot image classification is a computer vision task to classify images into one of several classes, without any prior training or knowledge of the classes.

Zero shot image classification works by transferring knowledge learnt during training of one model, to classify novel classes that was not present in the training data. So this is a variation of transfer learning. For instance, a model trained to differentiate cars from airplanes can be used to classify images of ships.

The data in this learning paradigm consists of

Seen data - images and their corresponding labels
Unseen data - only labels and no images
Auxiliary information - additional information given to the model during training connecting the unseen and seen data. This can be in the form of textual description or word embeddings.
Unconditional image generation is the task of generating images with no condition in any context (like a prompt text or another image). Once trained, the model will create images that resemble its training data distribution.
About Unconditional Image Generation
About the Task
Unconditional image generation is the task of generating new images without any specific input. The main goal of this is to create novel, original images that are not based on existing images. This can be used for a variety of applications, such as creating new artistic images, improving image recognition algorithms, or generating photorealistic images for virtual reality environments.

Unconditional image generation models usually start with a seed that generates a random noise vector. The model will then use this vector to create an output image similar to the images used for training the model.
Text-to-video models can be used in any application that requires generating consistent sequence of images from text.

Use Cases
Script-based Video Generation
Text-to-video models can be used to create short-form video content from a provided text script. These models can be used to create engaging and informative marketing videos. For example, a company could use a text-to-video model to create a video that explains how their product works.

Content format conversion
Text-to-video models can be used to generate videos from long-form text, including blog posts, articles, and text files. Text-to-video models can be used to create educational videos that are more engaging and interactive. An example of this is creating a video that explains a complex concept from an article.

Voice-overs and Speech
Text-to-video models can be used to create an AI newscaster to deliver daily news, or for a film-maker to create a short film or a music video.
Generates images from input text. These models can be used to generate and modify images based on text prompts.
Use Cases
Data Generation
Businesses can generate data for their their use cases by inputting text and getting image outputs.

Immersive Conversational Chatbots
Chatbots can be made more immersive if they provide contextual images based on the input provided by the user.

Creative Ideas for Fashion Industry
Different patterns can be generated to obtain unique pieces of fashion. Text-to-image models make creations easier for designers to conceptualize their design before actually implementing it.
Video classification is the task of assigning a label or class to an entire video. Videos are expected to have only one class for each video. Video classification models take a video as input and return a prediction about which class the video belongs to.
Mask generation is the task of generating masks that identify a specific object or region of interest in a given image. Masks are often used in segmentation tasks, where they provide a precise way to isolate the object of interest for further processing or analysis.

About Mask Generation
Use Cases
Filtering an Image
When filtering for an image, the generated masks might serve as an initial filter to eliminate irrelevant information. For instance, when monitoring vegetation in satellite imaging, mask generation models identify green spots, highlighting the relevant region of the image.
Image to text models output a text from a given image. Image captioning or optical character recognition can be considered as the most common applications of image to text.

About Image-to-Text
Use Cases
Image Captioning
Image Captioning is the process of generating textual description of an image. This can help the visually impaired people to understand what's happening in their surroundings.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
OCR models convert the text present in an image, e.g. a scanned document, to text.
Image-to-image is the task of transforming a source image to match the characteristics of a target image or a target image domain. Any image manipulation and enhancement is possible with image to image models.
About Image-to-Image
Use Cases
Style transfer
One of the most popular use cases of image-to-image is style transfer. Style transfer models can convert a normal photography into a painting in the style of a famous painter.
Image feature extraction is the task of extracting features learnt in a computer vision model.
About Image Feature Extraction
Use Cases
Transfer Learning
Models trained on a specific dataset can learn features about the data. For instance, a model trained on a car classification dataset learns to recognize edges and curves on a very high level and car-specific features on a low level. This information can be transferred to a new model that is going to be trained on classifying trucks. This process of extracting features and transferring to another model is called transfer learning.