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Visual Question Answering is the task of answering open-ended questions based on an image. They output natural language responses to natural language questions.
About Visual Question Answering
Use Cases
Aid the Visually Impaired Persons
VQA models can be used to reduce visual barriers for visually impaired individuals by allowing them to get information about images from the web and the real world.

VQA models can be used to improve experiences at museums by allowing observers to directly ask questions they interested in.

Improved Image Retrieval
Visual question answering models can be used to retrieve images with specific characteristics. For example, the user can ask "Is there a dog?" to find all images with dogs from a set of images.

Video Search
Specific snippets/timestamps of a video can be retrieved based on search queries. For example, the user can ask "At which part of the video does the guitar appear?" and get a specific timestamp range from the whole video. What is Visual Question Answering? - Hugging Face
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This is a placeholder page for the Video-Text-to-Text task. It is incomplete and is open to community contributions.

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Image-text-to-text models take in an image and text prompt and output text. These models are also called vision-language models, or VLMs. The difference from image-to-text models is that these models take an additional text input, not restricting the model to certain use cases like image captioning, and may also be trained to accept a conversation as input.

About Image-Text-to-Text
Different Types of Vision Language Models
Vision language models come in three types:

Base: Pre-trained models that can be fine-tuned. A good example of base models is the PaliGemma models family by Google.
Instruction: Base models fine-tuned on instruction datasets. A good example of instruction fine-tuned models is idefics2-8b.
Chatty/Conversational: Base models fine-tuned on conversation datasets. A good example of chatty models is deepseek-vl-7b-chat.
Document Question Answering (also known as Document Visual Question Answering) is the task of answering questions on document images. Document question answering models take a (document, question) pair as input and return an answer in natural language. Models usually rely on multi-modal features, combining text, position of words (bounding-boxes) and image.

About Document Question Answering
Use Cases
Document Question Answering models can be used to answer natural language questions about documents. Typically, document QA models consider textual, layout and potentially visual information. This is useful when the question requires some understanding of the visual aspects of the document. Nevertheless, certain document QA models can work without document images. Hence the task is not limited to visually-rich documents and allows users to ask questions based on spreadsheets, text PDFs, etc!
Tabular regression is the task of predicting a numerical value given a set of attributes.
About Tabular Regression
About the Task
Tabular regression is the task of predicting a numerical value given a set of attributes/features. Tabular meaning that data is stored in a table (like an excel sheet), and each sample is contained in its own row. The features used to predict our target can be both numerical and categorical. However, including categorical features often requires additional preprocessing/feature engineering (a few models do accept categorical features directly, like CatBoost). An example of tabular regression would be predicting the weight of a fish given its' species and length.https://huggingface.co/tasks/tabular-regression
Text-to-Speech (TTS) is the task of generating natural sounding speech given text input. TTS models can be extended to have a single model that generates speech for multiple speakers and multiple languages.

About Text-to-Speech

Use Cases
Text-to-Speech (TTS) models can be used in any speech-enabled application that requires converting text to speech imitating human voice.
Automatic Speech Recognition
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), also known as Speech to Text (STT), is the task of transcribing a given audio to text. It has many applications, such as voice user interfaces.

About Automatic Speech Recognition
Use Cases
Virtual Speech Assistants
Many edge devices have an embedded virtual assistant to interact with the end users better. These assistances rely on ASR models to recognize different voice commands to perform various tasks. For instance, you can ask your phone for dialing a phone number, ask a general question, or schedule a meeting.
Audio-to-Audio is a family of tasks in which the input is an audio and the output is one or multiple generated audios. Some example tasks are speech enhancement and source separation.
Use Cases
Speech Enhancement (Noise removal)
Speech Enhancement is a bit self explanatory. It improves (or enhances) the quality of an audio by removing noise. There are multiple libraries to solve this task, such as Speechbrain, Asteroid and ESPNet. Here is a simple example using Speechbrain
Audio Classification
Audio classification is the task of assigning a label or class to a given audio. It can be used for recognizing which command a user is giving or the emotion of a statement, as well as identifying a speaker.
About Audio Classification

Use Cases
Command Recognition
Command recognition or keyword spotting classifies utterances into a predefined set of commands. This is often done on-device for fast response time.
Tabular Regression
Tabular regression is the task of predicting a numerical value given a set of attributes.
About Tabular Regression
About the Task
Tabular regression is the task of predicting a numerical value given a set of attributes/features. Tabular meaning that data is stored in a table (like an excel sheet), and each sample is contained in its own row. The features used to predict our target can be both numerical and categorical. However, including categorical features often requires additional preprocessing/feature engineering (a few models do accept categorical features directly, like CatBoost). An example of tabular regression would be predicting the weight of a fish given its' species and length.

Use Cases
Sales Prediction: a Use Case for Predicting a Continuous Target Variable
Here the objective is to predict a continuous variable based on a set of input variable(s).
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Audit Logs-Enterprise-ready version of the world’s leading AI platform
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