Tabular RegressionTabular regression is the task of predi... | Tabular RegressionTabular regression is the task of predi...
Tabular Regression
Tabular regression is the task of predicting a numerical value given a set of attributes.
About Tabular Regression
About the Task
Tabular regression is the task of predicting a numerical value given a set of attributes/features. Tabular meaning that data is stored in a table (like an excel sheet), and each sample is contained in its own row. The features used to predict our target can be both numerical and categorical. However, including categorical features often requires additional preprocessing/feature engineering (a few models do accept categorical features directly, like CatBoost). An example of tabular regression would be predicting the weight of a fish given its' species and length.

Use Cases
Sales Prediction: a Use Case for Predicting a Continuous Target Variable
Here the objective is to predict a continuous variable based on a set of input variable(s).