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Share and discover more about AI with social posts from the community.huggingface/OpenAi
Online demos for BiRefNet on

Is this the best background removal model out there? 🤯
MIT licensed. 5.5G GPU memory needed for inference for 1024x1024 images.🤩

🔥 Gradio Demo 1 with ImageSlider output: https://huggingface.co/spaces/not-lain/background-removal

Gradio demo 2 by the author 🙌
https://huggingface.co/spaces/ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet_demo Background Removal - a Hugging Face Space by not-lain
NEW and Hot: AuraSR Upscaler

- 600M parameter
- Based on GigaGAN paper from Adobe
- GANs are much faster than diffusion upscaling
- Upscaling to 1024px in 1/4th of a second

Model and Demo are up on Huggingface Hub. Great work by Fal AI and Gokay Aydogan, respectively.
🔥 AuraSR is a GAN-based Super-Res upscaler for generated images, a variation of the GigaGAN paper for image-conditioned upscaling.

Demo by @NONDA30: https://huggingface.co/spaces/gokaygokay/AuraSR

🔥 Torch implementation is based on the unofficial lucidrains/gigagan-pytorch repository: https://github.com/lucidrains/gigagan-pytorch?ref=blog.fal.ai AuraSR-v2 - a Hugging Face Space by gokaygokay
How to run Yi chat models with an API
Posted November 23, 2023 by @nateraw

The Yi series models are large language models trained from scratch by developers at 01.AI. Today, they’ve released two new models: Yi-6B-Chat and Yi-34B-Chat. These models extend the base models, Yi-6B and Yi-34B, and are fine-tuned for chat completion.

Yi-34B currently holds the state-of-the-art for most benchmarks, beating larger models like Llama-70B..
Run Code Llama 70B with an API
Posted January 30, 2024 by @cbh123

Code Llama is a code generation model built on top of Llama 2. It can generate code and natural language about code in many programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++, Java, PHP, C#, Bash and more.

Today, Meta announced a more powerful new version of Code Llama with 70 billion parameters. It’s one of the highest performing open models. Meta reports a 67.8 on HumanEval, which beats zero-shot GPT-4.

With Replicate, you can run Code Llama 70B in the cloud with one line of code.

Code Llama 70B variants
Run Code Llama 70B with JavaScript
Run Code Llama 70B with Python
Run Code Llama 70B with cURL
Keep up to speed
Code Llama 70B variants
There are three variants of Code Llama 70B. The code snippets in this guide use codellama-70b-instruct, but all three variants are available on Replicate:

Code Llama 70B Base is the foundation model.
Code Llama 70B Python is trained on Python code.
Code Llama 70B Instruct is fine-tuned for understanding natural language instructions.
Run Snowflake Arctic with an API
Posted April 23, 2024 by @cbh123

Snowflake Arctic is a new open-source language model from Snowflake. Arctic is on-par or better than both Llama 3 8B and Llama 2 70B on all metrics while using less than half of the training compute budget.

It's massive. At 480B, Arctic is the biggest open-source model to date. As expected from a model from Snowflake, it's good at SQL and other coding tasks, and it has a liberal Apache 2.0 license.

With Replicate, you can run Arctic in the cloud with one line of code.
Picking an SD3 version
Stability AI have packaged up SD3 Medium in different ways to make sure it can run on as many devices as possible.

SD3 uses three different text encoders. (The text encoder is the part that takes your prompt and puts it into a format the model can understand). One of these new text encoders is really big – meaning it uses a lot of memory. If you’re looking at the SD3 Hugging Face weights, you’ll see four options with different text encoder configurations. You should choose which one to use based on your available VRAM.

This encoder contains the model weights, the two CLIP text encoders and the large T5-XXL model in a compressed fp8 format. We recommend these weights for simplicity and best results.

The same as sd3_medium_incl_clips_t5xxlfp8.safetensors, except the T5 part isn’t compressed as much. By using fp16 instead of fp8, you’ll get a slight improvement in your image quality. This improvement comes at the cost of higher memory usage.

This version does away with the T5 element altogether. It includes the weights with just the two CLIP text encoders. This is a good option if you do not have much VRAM, but your results might be very different from the full version. You might notice that this version doesn’t follow your prompts as closely, and it may also reduce the quality of text in images.

This model is just the base weights without any text encoders. If you use these weights, make sure you’re loading the text encoders separately. Stability AI have provided an example ComfyUI workflow for this.
How to get the best results from Stable Diffusion 3?
Stability AI recently released the weights for Stable Diffusion 3 Medium, a 2 billion parameter text-to-image model that excels at photorealism, typography, and prompt following.

You can run the official Stable Diffusion 3 model on Replicate, and it is available for commercial use. We have also open-sourced our Diffusers and ComfyUI implementations (read our guide to ComfyUI).

In this blog post we’ll show you how to use Stable Diffusion 3 (SD3) to get the best images, including how to prompt SD3, which is a bit different from previous Stable Diffusion models.

To help you experiment, we’ve created an SD3 explorer model that exposes all of the settings we discuss here.https://d31rfu1d3w8e4q.cloudfront.net/static/blog/get-the-best-from-stable-diffusion-3/explorer-screenshot.png
What makes FLUX.1 special?
FLUX.1 models have state-of-the-art performance in prompt following, visual quality, image detail, and output diversity. Here are some particular areas where we’ve been impressed:

Text! Unlike older models that often messed up similar-looking letters, Flux can handle tricky words with repeated letters. This makes it great for designs where text needs to be accurate. Check out this Black Forest Flux Schnell gateau:https://d31rfu1d3w8e4q.cloudfront.net/static/blog/flux/cake-text.png
How to fine-tune: Focus on effective datasets?
This is the third blog post in a series about adapting open source large language models (LLMs). In this post, we explore some rules of thumb for curating a good training dataset.

In Part 1, we took a look at prevalent approaches for adapting language models to domain data.
In Part 2, we discussed how to determine if fine-tuning is the right approach for your use case.

Fine-tuning LLMs is a mix of art and science, with best practices in the field still emerging. In this blog post, we’ll highlight design variables for fine-tuning and give directional guidance on best practices we’ve seen so far to fine-tune models with resource constraints. We recommend using the information below as a starting point to strategize your fine-tuning experiments.

Full fine-tuning vs. parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT)

Both full fine-tuning and PEFT have shown improvements in downstream performance when applied to new domains in both academic and practical settings. Choosing one boils down to compute available (in GPU hours and GPU memory), performance on tasks other than the target downstream task (the learning-forgetting tradeoff) and human annotation costs.

Full fine-tuning is more prone to suffer from two problems: model collapse and catastrophic forgetting. Model collapse is where the model output converges to a limited set of outputs and the tail of the original content distribution disappears. Catastrophic forgetting, as discussed in Part 1 of this series, leads to the model losing its abilities. Some early empirical studies show that full fine-tuning techniques are more prone to the above mentioned issues as compared to PEFT techniques, though more research needs to be done.

PEFT techniques serve as natural regularizers for fine-tuning by design. PEFT often costs relatively less compute to train a downstream model and is much more accessible for a resource-constrained scenario with limited dataset sizes. In some cases, full fine-tuning has shown better performance at the specific task of interest, often at the cost of forgetting some of the capabilities of the original model. This “learning-forgetting” tradeoff between the specific downstream task performance and performance on other tasks is explored deeply in the comparison of LoRA and full fine-tuning in this paper.

Given resource constraints, PEFT techniques will likely give a better performance boost/cost ratio as compared to full fine-tuning. If downstream performance is of paramount importance with resource constraints, full fine-tuning will be the most effective. In either scenario, the key is to create a high-quality dataset keeping the following key principles in mind.
How NVIDIA is using structured weight pruning and knowledge distillation to build new Llama models
Large language models like Llama can move with impressive speed and precision to handle a variety of challenging tasks, such as generating code, solving math problems, and helping doctors make life-saving medical decisions. Open source models are already leading to incredible breakthroughs across disciplines—however, they’re resource-intensive to deploy. It’s important that we work collaboratively across the industry to make it even easier for people to tap into the game-changing potential of LLMs.

Last month, we announced Llama 3.1, which includes our largest model yet, the 405B, as well as two smaller models with 70 billion and 8 billion parameters, respectively. Smaller models from a larger relative are typically cheaper to deploy to the masses and perform well across many language tasks. In a new research paper, our partners at NVIDIA explore how various large models can be made smaller using structured weight pruning and knowledge distillation—without having to train a new model from scratch. Working with Llama 3.1 8B, the team shares how it created Llama-Minitron 3.1 4B, its first work within the Llama 3.1 open source family.

Learn more about this work, and get the pruning and distillation strategy and additional resources by reading NVIDIA’s blog post.https://ai.meta.com/blog/nvidia-llama/
FLUX.1: First Impressions
FLUX.1 is a new AI model (available on Replicate) that makes images from text. Unlike most text-to-image models, which rely on diffusion, FLUX.1 uses an upgraded technique called “flow matching.”

While diffusion models create images by gradually removing noise from a random starting point, flow matching takes a more direct approach, learning the precise transformations needed to map noise onto a realistic image. This difference in methodology leads to a distinct aesthetic and unique advantages in terms of speed and control.

We were curious to see how this approach impacts the generated images, so we fed it a variety of prompts, many created by other AI models. Here are some observations:

Text: It gets it (mostly)
One of the challenges in text-to-image generation is accurately translating words into visual representations. FLUX.1 handles this surprisingly well, even in complex scenarios like memes.


Photograph of letterpress serif type on thick rough creamy paper saying ‘REPLICATE.COM

Meta 3D AssetGen: Text-to-Mesh Generation with High-Quality Geometry, Texture, and PBR Materials
We present Meta 3D AssetGen (AssetGen), a significant advancement in text-to-3D generation which produces faithful, high-quality meshes with texture and material control. Compared to works that bake shading in the 3D object's appearance, AssetGen outputs physically-based rendering (PBR) materials, supporting realistic relighting. AssetGen generates first several views of the object with factored shaded and albedo appearance channels, and then reconstructs colours, metalness and roughness in 3D, using a deferred shading loss for efficient supervision. It also uses a sign-distance function to represent 3D shape more reliably and introduces a corresponding loss for direct shape supervision. This is implemented using fused kernels for high memory efficiency. After mesh extraction, a texture refinement transformer operating in UV space significantly improves sharpness and details. AssetGen achieves 17% improvement in Chamfer Distance and 40% in LPIPS over the best concurrent work for few-view reconstruction, and a human preference of 72% over the best industry competitors of comparable speed, including those that support PBR. Project page with generated assets: https://assetgen.github.io.

Yawar Siddiqui, Tom Monnier,
Filippos Kokkinos
, Mahendra Kariya, Yanir Kleiman, Emilien Garreau,
Oran Gafni
Natalia Neverova
, Andrea Vedaldi, Roman Shapovalov, David Novotny
The Llama 3 Herd of Models
Modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems are powered by foundation models. This paper presents a new set of foundation models, called Llama 3. It is a herd of language models that natively support multilinguality, coding, reasoning, and tool usage. Our largest model is a dense Transformer with 405B parameters and a context window of up to 128K tokens. This paper presents an extensive empirical evaluation of Llama 3. We find that Llama 3 delivers comparable quality to leading language models such as GPT-4 on a plethora of tasks. We publicly release Llama 3, including pre-trained and post-trained versions of the 405B parameter language model and our Llama Guard 3 model for input and output safety. The paper also presents the results of experiments in which we integrate image, video, and speech capabilities into Llama 3 via a compositional approach. We observe this approach performs competitively with the state-of-the-art on image, video, and speech recognition tasks. The resulting models are not yet being broadly released as they are still under development.

Llama team https://ai.meta.com/research/publications/the-llama-3-herd-of-models/
Imagine yourself: Tuning-Free Personalized Image Generation
Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable efficacy across various image-to-image tasks. In this research, we introduce Imagine yourself, a state-of-the-art model designed for personalized image generation. Unlike conventional tuning-based personalization techniques, Imagine yourself operates as a tuning-free model, enabling all users to leverage a shared framework without individualized adjustments. Moreover, previous work met challenges balancing identity preservation, following complex prompts and preserving good visual quality, resulting in models having strong copy-paste effect of the reference images. Thus, they can hardly generate images following prompts that require significant changes to the reference image, e.g., changing facial expression, head and body poses, and the diversity of the generated images is low. To address these limitations, our proposed method introduces 1) a new synthetic paired data generation mechanism to encourage image diversity, 2) a fully parallel attention architecture with three text encoders and a fully trainable vision encoder to improve the text faithfulness, and 3) a novel coarse-to-fine multi-stage finetuning methodology that gradually pushes the boundary of visual quality. Our study demonstrates that Imagine yourself surpasses the state-of-the-art personalization model, exhibiting superior capabilities in identity preservation, visual quality, and text alignment. This model establishes a robust foundation for various personalization applications. Human evaluation results validate the model’s SOTA superiority across all aspects (identity preservation, text faithfulness, and visual appeal) compared to the previous personalization models.

Zecheng He,
Bo Sun
Felix Xu
, Haoyu Ma, Ankit Ramchandani, Vincent Cheung, Siddharth Shah, Anmol Kalia, Ning Zhang, Peizhao Zhang,
Roshan Sumbaly
, Peter Vajda, Animesh Sinha
X-Sample Contrastive Loss: Improving Contrastive Learning with Sample Similarity Graphs
Learning good representations involves capturing the diverse ways in which data samples relate. Contrastive loss—an objective matching related samples—underlies methods from self-supervised to multimodal learning. Contrastive losses, however, can be viewed more broadly as modifying a similarity graph to indicate how samples should relate in the embedding space. This view reveals a shortcoming in contrastive learning: the similarity graph is binary, as only one sample is the related positive sample. Crucially, similarities across samples are ignored. Based on this observation, we revise the standard contrastive loss to explicitly encode how a sample relates to others. We experiment with this new objective, called X-Sample Contrastive, to train vision models based on similarities in class or text caption descriptions. Our study spans three scales: ImageNet-1k with 1 million, CC3M with 3 million, and CC12M with 12 million samples. The representations learned via our objective outperform both contrastive self-supervised and vision-language models trained on the same data across a range of tasks. When training on CC12M, we outperform CLIP by 0.6% on both ImageNet and ImageNet Real. Our objective appears to work particularly well in lower-data regimes, with gains over CLIP of 16.8% on ImageNet and 18.1% on ImageNet Real when training with CC3M. Finally, our objective seems to encourage the model to learn representations that separate objects from their attributes and backgrounds, with gains of 3.3-5.6% over CLIP on ImageNet9. We hope the proposed solution takes a small step towards developing richer learning objectives for understanding sample relations in foundation models.

Vlad Sobal,
Mark Ibrahim
, Randall Balestriero,
Vivien Cabannes
, Pietro Astolfi, Kyunghyun Cho,
Yann LeCun
An overview of the SAM 2 framework.

SAM 2 uses a transformer architecture with streaming memory for real-time video processing. It builds on the original SAM model, extending its capabilities to video.

For more technical details, check out the Research paper.

⚠️ Users should be aware of potential ethical implications: - Ensure you have the right to use input images and videos, especially those featuring identifiable individuals. - Be responsible about generated content to avoid potential misuse. - Be cautious about using copyrighted material as inputs without permission.

All credit goes to the Meta AI Research teamhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything-2/main/assets/model_diagram.png