Run Snowflake Arctic with an APIPosted April 23, 2024 by... | Run Snowflake Arctic with an APIPosted April 23, 2024 by...
Run Snowflake Arctic with an API
Posted April 23, 2024 by @cbh123

Snowflake Arctic is a new open-source language model from Snowflake. Arctic is on-par or better than both Llama 3 8B and Llama 2 70B on all metrics while using less than half of the training compute budget.

It's massive. At 480B, Arctic is the biggest open-source model to date. As expected from a model from Snowflake, it's good at SQL and other coding tasks, and it has a liberal Apache 2.0 license.

With Replicate, you can run Arctic in the cloud with one line of code.