Zero-shot VQA evaluation of Docmatix using LLM - do we ne... | Zero-shot VQA evaluation of Docmatix using LLM - do we ne...
Zero-shot VQA evaluation of Docmatix using LLM - do we need to fine-tune?
While developing Docmatix, we found that fine-tuning Florence-2 performed well on the DocVQA task, but still scored low on the benchmark. To improve the benchmark score, we had to further fine-tune the model on the DocVQA dataset to learn the grammatical style of the benchmark. Interestingly, the human evaluators felt that the additional fine-tuning seemed to perform worse than fine-tuning on Docmatix alone, so we decided to only use the additional fine-tuned model for ablation experiments and publicly release the model fine-tuned on Docmatix alone. Although the answers generated by the model are semantically consistent with the reference answers (as shown in Figure 1), the benchmark scores are low. This raises the question: should we fine-tune the model to improve performance on existing metrics, or should we develop new metrics that are more consistent with human perception?