It is with great pleasure I inform you that huggingface's... | It is with great pleasure I inform you that huggingface's...
It is with great pleasure I inform you that huggingface's ModelHubMixin reached 200+ models on the hub 🥳

ModelHubMixin is a class developed by HF to integrate AI models with the hub with ease and it comes with 3 methods :
* save_pretrained
* from_pretrained
* push_to_hub

Shoutout to @nielsr , @Wauplin and everyone else on HF for their awesome work 🤗

If you are not familiar with ModelHubMixin and you are looking for extra resources you might consider :
* docs:
🔗blog about training models with the trainer API and using ModelHubMixin:
🔗GitHub repo with pip integration:
🔗basic guide: