Characteristics and capabilities of Figure 02:Hardware as... | Characteristics and capabilities of Figure 02:Hardware as...
Characteristics and capabilities of Figure 02:
Hardware aspect:
The appearance adopts an exoskeleton structure, integrating the power supply and computing power wiring inside the body, improving reliability and packaging compactness.
It is equipped with a fourth-generation hand device, with 16 degrees of freedom and strength comparable to that of humans, capable of carrying up to 25 kilograms of weight, and can flexibly perform various human-like tasks.
It has 6 RGB cameras (located on the head, chest and back respectively), and has "superhuman" vision.
The internal battery pack capacity has increased to 2.25 kWh. Its founder hopes that it can achieve an actual effective working time of more than 20 hours per day (but currently the official website shows that the battery life is only 5 hours. The 20 hours might be the inferred limit working time of "charging + working").