Hugging Face's TensorFlow PhilosophyIntroductionDespite i... | Hugging Face's TensorFlow PhilosophyIntroductionDespite i...
Hugging Face's TensorFlow Philosophy
Despite increasing competition from PyTorch and JAX, TensorFlow remains the most-used deep learning framework. It also differs from those other two libraries in some very important ways. In particular, it’s quite tightly integrated with its high-level API Keras, and its data loading library

There is a tendency among PyTorch engineers (picture me staring darkly across the open-plan office here) to see this as a problem to be overcome; their goal is to figure out how to make TensorFlow get out of their way so they can use the low-level training and data-loading code they’re used to. This is entirely the wrong way to approach TensorFlow! Keras is a great high-level API. If you push it out of the way in any project bigger than a couple of modules you’ll end up reproducing most of its functionality yourself when you realize you need it.

As refined, respected and highly attractive TensorFlow engineers, we want to use the incredible power and flexibility of cutting-edge models, but we want to handle them with the tools and API we’re familiar with. This blogpost will be about the choices we make at Hugging Face to enable that, and what to expect from the framework as a TensorFlow programmer.