Hugging Face on PyTorch / XLA TPUs: Faster and cheaper tr... | Hugging Face on PyTorch / XLA TPUs: Faster and cheaper tr...
Hugging Face on PyTorch / XLA TPUs: Faster and cheaper training
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Training Your Favorite Transformers on Cloud TPUs using PyTorch / XLA
The PyTorch-TPU project originated as a collaborative effort between the Facebook PyTorch and Google TPU teams and officially launched at the 2019 PyTorch Developer Conference 2019. Since then, we’ve worked with the Hugging Face team to bring first-class support to training on Cloud TPUs using PyTorch / XLA. This new integration enables PyTorch users to run and scale up their models on Cloud TPUs while maintaining the exact same Hugging Face trainers interface.

This blog post provides an overview of changes made in the Hugging Face library, what the PyTorch / XLA library does, an example to get you started training your favorite transformers on Cloud TPUs, and some performance benchmarks. If you can’t wait to get started with TPUs, please skip ahead to the “Train Your Transformer on Cloud TPUs” section - we handle all the PyTorch / XLA mechanics for you within the Trainer module!