Accelerate your models with 🤗 Optimum Intel and OpenVINO... | Accelerate your models with 🤗 Optimum Intel and OpenVINO...
Accelerate your models with 🤗 Optimum Intel and OpenVINO

Last July, we announced that Intel and Hugging Face would collaborate on building state-of-the-art yet simple hardware acceleration tools for Transformer models.​Today, we are very happy to announce that we added Intel OpenVINO to Optimum Intel. You can now easily perform inference with OpenVINO Runtime on a variety of Intel processors (see the full list of supported devices) using Transformers models which can be hosted either on the Hugging Face hub or locally. You can also quantize your model with the OpenVINO Neural Network Compression Framework (NNCF), and reduce its size and prediction latency in near minutes.