Introducing NPC-Playground, a 3D playground to interact w... | Introducing NPC-Playground, a 3D playground to interact w...
Introducing NPC-Playground, a 3D playground to interact with LLM-powered NPCs

AI-powered NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) are one of the most important breakthroughs brought about by the use of LLMs in games.

LLMs, or Large Language Models, make it possible to design "intelligent" in-game characters that can engage in realistic conversations with the player, perform complex actions and follow instructions, dramatically enhancing the player's experience. AI-powered NPCs represent a huge advancement vs rule-based and heuristics systems.

Today, we are excited to introduce NPC-Playground, a demo created by Cubzh and Gigax where you can interact with LLM-powered NPCs and see for yourself what the future holds!

You can play with the demo directly on your browser ๐Ÿ‘‰ here

In this 3D demo, you can interact with the NPCs and teach them new skills with just a few lines of Lua scripting!