Rust Quasi-Quotinggithub build statusTh... | Rust Quasi-Quotinggithub build statusTh...
Rust Quasi-Quoting
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This crate provides the quote! macro for turning Rust syntax tree data structures into tokens of source code.

Procedural macros in Rust receive a stream of tokens as input, execute arbitrary Rust code to determine how to manipulate those tokens, and produce a stream of tokens to hand back to the compiler to compile into the caller's crate. Quasi-quoting is a solution to one piece of that — producing tokens to return to the compiler.

The idea of quasi-quoting is that we write code that we treat as data. Within the quote! macro, we can write what looks like code to our text editor or IDE. We get all the benefits of the editor's brace matching, syntax highlighting, indentation, and maybe autocompletion. But rather than compiling that as code into the current crate, we can treat it as data, pass it around, mutate it, and eventually hand it back to the compiler as tokens to compile into the macro caller's crate.

This crate is motivated by the procedural macro use case, but is a general-purpose Rust quasi-quoting library and is not specific to procedural macros. Rust Package Registry