Nuanced feedback is required: Reflexion utilizes verbal f... | Nuanced feedback is required: Reflexion utilizes verbal f...
Nuanced feedback is required: Reflexion utilizes verbal feedback, which can be more nuanced and specific than scalar rewards used in traditional RL. This allows the agent to better understand its mistakes and make more targeted improvements in subsequent trials.

Interpretability and explicit memory are important: Reflexion provides a more interpretable and explicit form of episodic memory compared to traditional RL methods. The agent's self-reflections are stored in its memory, allowing for easier analysis and understanding of its learning process.

Reflexion is effective in the following tasks:

Sequential decision-making: Reflexion agents improve their performance in AlfWorld tasks, which involve navigating through various environments and completing multi-step objectives.
Reasoning: Reflexion improved the performance of agents on HotPotQA, a question-answering dataset that requires reasoning over multiple documents.
Programming: Reflexion agents write better code on benchmarks like HumanEval and MBPP, achieving state-of-the-art results in some cases.
Here are some limitations of Reflexion:

Reliance on self-evaluation capabilities: Reflexion relies on the agent's ability to accurately evaluate its performance and generate useful self-reflections. This can be challenging, especially for complex tasks but it's expected that Reflexion gets better over time as models keep improving in capabilities.
Long-term memory constraints: Reflexion makes use of a sliding window with maximum capacity but for more complex tasks it may be advantageous to use advanced structures such as vector embedding or SQL databases.
Code generation limitations: There are limitations to test-driven development in specifying accurate input-output mappings (e.g., non-deterministic generator function and function outputs influenced by hardware).
Figures source: Reflexion: Language Agents with Verbal Reinforcement Learning