A Quick Flashback into Traditional ImmunizationBefore AI... | A Quick Flashback into Traditional ImmunizationBefore AI...
A Quick Flashback into Traditional Immunization
Before AI swooped in to save the day, immunization was a bit like the first car our dads got us —effective but sometimes slow and prone to breakdowns. Traditional immunization practices have done wonders, but they’ve also hit a few speed bumps along the way. Remember when getting vaccines to remote areas was about as tricky as finding a parking spot at Coachella? Yeah, that was one of the major challenges. And despite the lifesaving potential, vaccines haven’t always had it easy in the PR department—thanks to the ever-persistent issue of vaccine hesitancy.

Numbers Don’t Lie - Know What’s at Stake
Vaccination rates have improved over the years, but the global picture is still a mixed bag. According to a report by UNICEF, around 23 million children missed out on basic vaccines in 2020—a sharp rise from previous years. While organizations like UNICEF and the CDC are working tirelessly to improve these stats, challenges like distribution, hesitancy, and data management keep throwing wrenches into the works.

But do these challenges continue to be real dealbreakers globally?