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# Excited to Share: New LLM Tokenization - Convert Text to tokens and vice versa! 🚀

I've just developed a powerful tool for anyone working with Language Models (LLMs) or diving into Natural Language Processing (NLP).

🔍 Introducing the LLM Tokenization - Convert Text to tokens and vice versa!!

Key Features:
- Convert text to tokens and token IDs
- Reverse engineer: convert token IDs back to text
- Support for popular models: LLama3 (Will add more models iteratively)
- User-friendly Gradio interface for easy interaction

Whether you're debugging your NLP pipeline, exploring how different models tokenize text, or just curious about the inner workings of LLMs, this tool is for you!

👩‍💻 Tech Stack:
- Python
- Gradio for the web interface
- Hugging Face Transformers for tokenization

The application is deployed in Hugging Face spaces as Gradio application

🔗 Try it out:

#NLP #MachineLearning #AI #PythonDevelopment #OpenSourceAI
Excited to share my new Gradio app featuring the impressive Llama-3.1-Storm-8B model!
This app demonstrates the capabilities of Llama-3.1-Storm-8B, an 8B parameter language model created by Ashvini Kumar Jindal, Pawan Kumar Rajpoot, Ankur Parikh,@akjindal53244
Key highlights of Llama-3.1-Storm-8B:

Outperforms Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct on multiple benchmarks:

Instruction Following (IFEval): +3.93%
Knowledge-driven QA (GPQA): +7.21%
Reduced Hallucinations (TruthfulQA): +9%
Function Calling (BFCL): +7.92%

Achieves impressive results with only 8B parameters
Uses innovative techniques like self-curation and model merging

Try out the model yourself:

Kudos to the creators for pushing the boundaries of smaller language models! This work makes advanced AI more accessible and efficient.
#AI #NLP #MachineLearning #GradioApp #Llama3